August 25, 2005

Summer learning experience

Now that I’m done work for the summer, I can reflect on what I learnt and what kind of experience I’ve gained over the past few months working for the Town of Kamsack.

  • If you have to be picking rocks don’t use a garbage bag even though you know it’s going to break but think you’ll work fast enough that you’ll be able to use it. Oh yeah, another thing…if you’re going to fill you’re pockets with them don’t overfill them…your pants tend to fall down…trust me
  • If you step on the first step of a staircase and it breaks, the next few might not, but chances are it might break a few higher up…watch your step
  • It is possible to get a half-ton truck, carrying 300 gallons of water, off the ground and not wreck the truck. All you have to do is find the right incline and hit it at the right speed
  • No matter how absurd the task your boss gives you (watering plants in the rain, picking litter at the dump), just do the job and while you’re doing it make fun of it and tell the story of how dumb your job is…it makes the time fly and the pain of doing such foolish work go away
  • It always stops raining after you’ve driven as fast as you can on a lawn mower to get out of the rain
  • If your running to your truck to get out of the rain, and you have your headphones on and can’t hear anything else, make sure a poodle isn’t chasing you…because even though you know you’re not running from it, other people don’t and you look dumb

So those are some of the things I learnt this summer. What can I say, it feels like I’ve been in a cartoon. I’m still waiting for a flower pot to fall on my head and for my van to crumble so much that all I’m left with is my steering wheel as I skid down the highway on my seat.


August 21, 2005

A sure thing

There are a lot of “old sayings” that get tossed around in today’s world. Sayings such as, “don’t cry over spilled milk”, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”, and “get a life, loser!” However, there is one that has been kind of getting to me lately and that is “there are no sure things in life”. To that statement I say: bullshit! There are sure things in life. Well, actually, the way I see it there is only one. The way I see things, the only sure thing in life is shit. Now, I know what your thinking: “he’s lost it again”. I must remind you though that I never really had it in the first place (but I am looking for it), hence the name of the blog you’re currently reading.

Whether it’s actual shit or bullshit, it’s the only actual sure thing. Yes, I realize that there are people that can’t take a crap, but even if you’re constipated and can’t take a dump, that’s just plain bullshit. If you go to the doctor to get some kind of “aid” to help you take that (no doubt massive by now) crap, chances are you’re going to have to either pay some stupid sum of money for it or the pharmacy will dick you around or something. Once again, more bullshit that you have to deal with. Even if you don’t get dicked around by a doctor or pharmacist and don’t mind not having to go to the can, chances are there’s some other kind of bullshit going on in your life. Reality T.V. itself is bullshit enough if you ask me (but that’s a whole other post in itself so I’m not getting into that right now).

So there you have it, the only sure thing in life is shit. Well, that and death…and life too. So there, three sure things. One kind of speaks for itself if you think about it…but whatever. If you can think of any others I’d love to hear your feedback…so comment already….c’mon comment….please….awwww you suck!


August 14, 2005

The world we know

So lately I’ve been seeing all these “I support traditional marriage” stickers. They’re everywhere. The thing with these stickers is, that they don’t say that they’re against gay marriage. Sure it implies it, but it doesn’t actually say it. Personally I support “traditional” marriage, but I also support gay marriage. It’s that whole man/horse marriage that I’m against (Women/duck isn’t bad though).

These stickers make just as much sense as going up to a person and saying “I like clouds.” So? So what’s your point? So you support traditional marriage? What’s your point? They aren’t actually saying anything with these stickers. But maybe that’s their plan. They just imply what they are actually thinking and then let the publics imagination take off and make assumptions towards their views by themselves. Hmmmm clever…your little scheme worked…. Congratu-fucking-lations

The thing is, they couldn’t say that they were against gay marriage on the sticker. That would be putting a negative spin on their intended positive message (and who wants to make discrimination sound negative? Who, I ask you? Who?!).

I just don’t understand why people feel they have to go out of their way to advertise that they don’t want gays to get hitched. Especially the people that put these up in store windows. Don’t they think that it might lose them some business? But then again they probably wouldn’t want it anyway. Who’d want all these freaky gay people in their store anyway?--(rolls eyes)-- The whole thing is kind of reminiscent of when people would have “no colors” signs in their shop windows.

It just never ceases to amaze me how mankind’s thinking never changes, only the subject. I guess you have to give discrimination credit for one thing: it is consistent.


August 08, 2005

Rant time

Lately I've been feeling like I just have absolutely nothing in me to say that's actually note worthy. I've been trying to think of something to say on this thing but I just got nothin'. I never used to have to actually try and think of something to type. Ideas would just come to me throughout the day and whether they were one simple question or an actual topic I wanted to discuss, I at least had something.

I think it's because all my thoughts get out at work. All I do (besides stand around and look good) is bullshit with the guys at work. I think the fact that a large amount of my writing was just me bullshitting accounts for my lack of posts. Which also pegs the question: why did I have so much bottled up bullshit that I needed to get out?

It probably has something to do with the fact that I'm always left out of most conversations, and a large amount of the ones I'm in I really don't give a damn about what anyone is saying (sorry it's just the truth), because a)I probably have no real interest in what's being said b)have no knowledge of said subject and have just been dragged into talking about it c) want to talk about sometime. Maybe I want to debate the positives and negatives of Stinkor sometimes; or have a discussion about how the Fonz was a perv.

But I guess that's just human nature. If someone's not interested in something they either (like me) pretend an interest just to apesse others, or just change the subject as soon as they can to suit themselves.

Now I'm not saying that all people bore the shit out of me and every conversation should be what I want to talk about, but dammit man; I'd for once like to sit around and rather than hear about who won the Stanley Cup in what year, or more of the same repetitive conversation, I want to sit and talk about the Dark Phoenix Saga or which was better Mario 2 or Mario 3. Then we'll see how bored everone else gets. Give 'em a piece of their own medicine.

Then I'm gonna let the waitress take all their beer away when they go out for a smoke. DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!----(side note: tony was right. fuck them and their beer...scroll down and read comments to find out what the hell I'm babbling about)----

Well that felt pretty good to get off my chest. And I did just like I used to do to start at one topic and switch it up later. Maybe there's still hope for my yet.


August 03, 2005

Well here it is!

I'll be damned, I actually got my re-vamp done. What do you think? It's not quite finished. I still have a few little things here and there to do. I think Internet Explorer has a few small problems, like the sidebars being out of alignment, but I built it in Firefox. So I'll be fixing that (or at least trying to). Also I am going to begin a magical quest for my counter, which has mysteriously gone missing. I'm sure it'll turn up sooner or later. So that's it. CRITICS GO HARD!!! Let me have it!!!
Tell me about dead links and other rubish such as that.


August 02, 2005

Deep thought...(not Jack Handy style)

Most people have that one friend who you were really close to as a kid, then one of you moved away. Have any of you seen them since? Even just talked to them?

Recently I had the opportunity to see one such old friend. I don’t think I’d seen him for about six years. I’ll give you the rundown on our story:

He lived across the road from my house when we were kids. Now living on the farm there weren’t many kids around, and Chad lived right across the road, so of course we became friends. We met at about the age of 4 or 5 and we became the best of friends…when we were at home that is. When we were at school it was a different story. It’s not that we fought all the time; we just had different friends at school. This went on for quite a few years, until the summer after grade 7. Chad’s dad got a job up in Rainbow Lake, in northern Alberta, quite a long ways from Kamsack, SK. After that I think I saw him twice, until last week.

When I heard Chad was coming I was looking forward to it…most people would be. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. Turns out Chad and I became two very different people (surprise, surprise). He’s engaged now; he’s the manager of an industrial supply store; has his own house; a couple of dogs; and his own truck. Oh yeah, did I mention that he’s 20 years old. Myself on the other hand have no girlfriend; am currently living at home for the summer; am hoping to buy a hamster in the fall; and one day want to get paid to talk about movies. Not that I’m saying that I’m embarrassed or ashamed about my life, it’s just that we have very different lives now. I really didn’t talk to Chad all that much this weekend when I saw him, because I honestly didn’t know what to say to him. We’ve both changed and evolved into two totally different people.

With Saskatchewan’s centennial upon us, there are many homecoming celebrations going on all around the province. This coming weekend, my hometown of Kamsack is having its homecoming. After this recent experience with Chad, I’ve just started wondering what people are going to think when they see their high school friends, whom they haven’t seen since high school, or shortly after. Not that I’m saying that everyone will be disappointed with what they see, but as the saying goes, “sometimes people surprise you” (I realize I’m taking it out of context but whatever). Those people who you knew may not be who you remembered them to be, but on the other hand them may be even more that you expected (hey I think that one was in context).


P.S. Even though I have been leaving pretty big gaps between posts, I haven't forgotten about all you readers. I'm currently working on a total revamp of my blogs look. Hope to have it up soon. Thanks for sticking by me faithful readers.

August 01, 2005

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's just some guy!

What if you could have superpowers? What would you do with them? What would you want them to be? Would you hide them from people? Would you go all secret identity and whatnot, and show people what you could do but only once you put on some tights?

Now, I’ve actually been thinking about this lately(for those of you shaking your heads: I cut grass all day, I have a lot of time to think), I think I’d either want telekinesis, or the power to fly. Either way I’d be able to fly, if I couldn’t move things with my mind then well, whatever…I can still fly.

Now, as far as the whole donning of the tights is concerned…ummmm no. I would wear flight goggles though (I don’t need bugs and crap in my eyes while I’m trying to get around). The reason I wouldn’t wear tights is because I just don’t think it’d look good…me in tights?….once again…ummmm no. Also then it makes people think that you’re some kind of superhero…which I really can’t see myself being. I’m not saying I wouldn’t use my power to help people, cause you know “with great power comes great responsibility”, but I wouldn’t have any Batsignal; I wouldn’t form any kind of team. Imagine my team: THE O’HOOLIGANS! A huge pint glass would shine in the sky when we’re needed. A lot of beer trucks would get saved on our watch. (that’s actually not a bad idea. I CALL COPYRIGHT!!!…oh wait it doesn’t work like calling shotgun)

I think I would probably hide my power from people though. If I needed to use it I would, but I think I would keep as many people in the dark about it for as long as I could. It’s not because I’m afraid of people being afraid of me or seeing me differently (fuck them if they don’t want to know me because I’m different), it’s mainly because I wouldn’t want people trying to use me for my powers, or exploit them for some reason.

What do you think?(and not that I’m mental or anything because I already know that) What would you do? As nuts as it sounds I figure it’s an ok question to ask yourself.
