October 18, 2005

Youngblood at the Movies

This weekend I went to see Tim Burton's new animated film Corpse Bride. I've always been a fan of Tim Burton's animation. Well actually, I'm just a big Tim Burton fan in general. Once again he did not disappoint.

The thing that's great about Tim Burton's Animation is that he does it in an old school, stop motion way. Coming from experience I know how much of a pain in the ass animation in general can be, nevermind stop motion (don't even get me started on that). However, Tim does it so incredibly. Everything is so smooth and looks so good. If
Corpse Bride was recreated using computer imaging and 3D models, it just wouldn't be the same or look as good. Granted, animators today can create incredibly realistic looking worlds and scenery, the sets on Corpse Bride are real. If a character is sitting in a wooden chair, it's actually made out of wood, and you can see the real texture of it, not some computer generated texture. Although the computer generated texture may look good, the fact that the wooden one is real, and that a person could actually touch it, adds a sense of realism to the film.

Another great thing about Tim's style of animation is that he always has so much going on in his shots. He seems to not be a big fan of the K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) principle. The fact is though, he's good enough at what he does that he doesn't have to keep it simple. Sure, there are places where he does (like if a woman's dress covers her feet, he just makes them hop along rather than make feet move), but there are so many places that he does things just to say, "Hey look what I can do!" Some might say that he shouldn't brag like that, but he's earned it. He's just that good.

However, even with all these good things, Corpse Bride does have its negative points. For one, I felt that it was too short. The running time on it is 1 hour and 16 minutes. To me that seems to be a bit short, but it is also directed towards kids as well as adults, so it can't be too long for the wee ones with no attention span. Also...um...well, that's about all that bothered me. I really don't have anything to complain about. Um...it wasn't as dark as I thought it would be, but like I said before, it's also directed towards kids so it can't be too dark.

So, in the end I give Tim Burton's Corpse Bride 4 our of 5 *'s.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I give it 15 out of 8 *'s