February 15, 2006

Muppets, realism, and bow ties

It seems that a lot of my posts lately are based from things I find on IMDB. Today’s post is no exception. Read on:

Muppets Become Victims of Computerized Animation

While I do accept the fact that, yes Yoda would not look good as a Muppet surrounded by a bunch of digital characters, it still saddens me to see that the puppets that I grew up with are being retired and put up on the shelf. Now the will only to be seen by tourists on studio tours, wondering how they ever got by using those things. I realize that compared to modern computer animation the Muppets do look old and a little out of date, and they might not look real or make realistic movements, but since when has film been about realism, especially when it comes to puppets. Have we gotten so caught up in trying to make things look real that we can’t slip away into fantasy anymore without questioning the realism of things?

Now, some of you out there who know me might be saying, “Aren’t you the one who is always bitching about realism in movies?” Well to those people I say: read my next post because I have had a change of heart. However, for the time being I’ll say that in certain instances realism is needed in film, like in historical films for instances (eventhough it's usually never there). But when it comes to Muppets? Come on now! They’re just bloody Muppets in a fantasy. Can’t you let it go? It’s like when that bow tie wearing, republican, hate monger, shmuck Tucker Carlson from CNN’s Crossfire accused Jon Stewart of not living up to responsibility of a being a newsman. To that, Stewart pointed out that, Carlson, was on a 24 hour news network that’s supposed to provide the public with hard hitting facts. Jon Stewart’s show is on Comedy Central and is followed by puppets making prank phone calls. There’s no comparison, just like Muppets lacking realism.

For further discussion about realism stay tuned for my next post where I will bash more things.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree Dan. I just don't see how "The Dark Crystal" would be the same if it was all CG. (Dark Crsytal was the only movie where the characters were all muppets). Plus the idea of a muppet was that anyone could do that. With CG you have to have training, sit in front of a computer all day. I see that as more introverted where as being a muppetetter requires a "outgoing" sort of personallity. Hell some shows today are still favoring muppets (ie Farscape). My we are just being a little nostalgic?