January 04, 2010

Bring it on 2010

I'm not one to make new years resolutions. I've learnt over the years that I never keep them. So instead, I thought this year I would just make a list of a few things that I'm looking forward to.

-Finishing my first feature length screenplay. I have a long way to go with it, but I'm plugging along. Who knows what I'll do with it once it's done, but hey it'll be finished.
-Making money from something to do with photography. Whether it's my etsy shop, or doing restoration work, or something else entirely.
-Working my way down to my goal of weighing 200 lbs.
-Anything and everything Scott Pilgrim. The final book, the movie, and the video game all come out this year.
-My family reunion in August.
-Going somewhere outside of this bloody province. However, that requires money which leads me to my next point.
-Getting a new, better paying job. I know it would be anyone's list, so why not have it on mine too.
-Seeing Jesse Cook and Hawksley Workman in march. It's weird, rarely do I go to concerts and these two are only a week or two apart.
-Rebuilding my computer.
-Buying an HDtv. Once I get my Visa paid off it'll be in prime condition to be racked up again.
-Playing shinny this winter.
-Camping at least once this summer.
-Getting out on the lake and kayaking as much as I can.


dk said...

Sounds like you have lots of things to keep you busy ;) See you at Hawksley, and camping ;)

Cambo said...

Apply at the school board. Use me as a reference

Abigail Road said...

I can't wait until the summer...the reunion, camping....good times!