August 19, 2008

A new time waster

Well, today has been productive. After working 7 days straight at the photo hut for while the old man is was on holidays, I finally have a day off, and 4 more follow this one. So what have I done that is so productive you ask. Well, I watched Battlestar Gallactica. . . ok maybe not that's not very productive, but it's something I've been meaning to do. Following that I made a trek through the hot sun and crazy winds to the village of value to purchase some articles of clothing, and browse books of both the traditional and comic form. It was a partly successful trip, but I didn't exactly find what I was looking for. However, my greatest success of the day thus far has been the discovery of an all new time wasting activity for me: taking pictures of me friends and putting them in the game Doom.

I'm sure that I'm at least a good decade behind in thinking that this is cool and fun. But, oh well. I like it now and that's what matters, not? I just like to think that it has an enormous amount of possibilities for fun...and like I said, I can waste even more time now doing another thing to put off my priorities.

I love being a slacker.

1 comment:

Elan Morgan said...

But your gun covers the best part of the Sheriff's costume!