November 30, 2005

Online Silent Auction

Usually while I'm aimlessly walking around the university, I look at the bulletin boards and see what bands are playing, what faculty is having a party the upcoming weekend, and who's trying to sell whatever kind of piece of crap they don't want anymore to some poor shmuk, and just keep walking and not think about them ever again. However today was different. Today I saw a sign. A sign that I think has changed my life. It opened up my eyes (I saw the sign). This amazing, life changing sign said....."Online Silent Auction".

After looking at it for a few seconds I started imagining myself kicking the maker of that sign in the ass. Of course it's going to be silent. IT'S ONLINE!!!...stupid...I guess that there could be some people out there that yell at eBay, but my friends, those people...need lives. I honestly thought that was one of the most foolish things I had ever seen. Online silent auction...what the hell does that even it in a chat room and you're not supposed to talk to other people or tell people what you're bidding on...or has some genius created a virtual world where you walk around from table to table looking at items and bidding on what you want...ya that guys awesome, he's like the next Bill 'fucking' Gates....ok that was uncalled for...I apologize...I never should have said Bill Gates...I realize that it make a lot of you shudder just looking at that name nevermind actually saying it......BILL GATES!! heh heh heh

Were was I oh yeah...Online silent auction....uh what a dummy...uh yeah...huh...what's that...(footsteps running away)..................


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