August 14, 2005

The world we know

So lately I’ve been seeing all these “I support traditional marriage” stickers. They’re everywhere. The thing with these stickers is, that they don’t say that they’re against gay marriage. Sure it implies it, but it doesn’t actually say it. Personally I support “traditional” marriage, but I also support gay marriage. It’s that whole man/horse marriage that I’m against (Women/duck isn’t bad though).

These stickers make just as much sense as going up to a person and saying “I like clouds.” So? So what’s your point? So you support traditional marriage? What’s your point? They aren’t actually saying anything with these stickers. But maybe that’s their plan. They just imply what they are actually thinking and then let the publics imagination take off and make assumptions towards their views by themselves. Hmmmm clever…your little scheme worked…. Congratu-fucking-lations

The thing is, they couldn’t say that they were against gay marriage on the sticker. That would be putting a negative spin on their intended positive message (and who wants to make discrimination sound negative? Who, I ask you? Who?!).

I just don’t understand why people feel they have to go out of their way to advertise that they don’t want gays to get hitched. Especially the people that put these up in store windows. Don’t they think that it might lose them some business? But then again they probably wouldn’t want it anyway. Who’d want all these freaky gay people in their store anyway?--(rolls eyes)-- The whole thing is kind of reminiscent of when people would have “no colors” signs in their shop windows.

It just never ceases to amaze me how mankind’s thinking never changes, only the subject. I guess you have to give discrimination credit for one thing: it is consistent.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one brother. No comment, you know I agree.