August 01, 2005

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's just some guy!

What if you could have superpowers? What would you do with them? What would you want them to be? Would you hide them from people? Would you go all secret identity and whatnot, and show people what you could do but only once you put on some tights?

Now, I’ve actually been thinking about this lately(for those of you shaking your heads: I cut grass all day, I have a lot of time to think), I think I’d either want telekinesis, or the power to fly. Either way I’d be able to fly, if I couldn’t move things with my mind then well, whatever…I can still fly.

Now, as far as the whole donning of the tights is concerned…ummmm no. I would wear flight goggles though (I don’t need bugs and crap in my eyes while I’m trying to get around). The reason I wouldn’t wear tights is because I just don’t think it’d look good…me in tights?….once again…ummmm no. Also then it makes people think that you’re some kind of superhero…which I really can’t see myself being. I’m not saying I wouldn’t use my power to help people, cause you know “with great power comes great responsibility”, but I wouldn’t have any Batsignal; I wouldn’t form any kind of team. Imagine my team: THE O’HOOLIGANS! A huge pint glass would shine in the sky when we’re needed. A lot of beer trucks would get saved on our watch. (that’s actually not a bad idea. I CALL COPYRIGHT!!!…oh wait it doesn’t work like calling shotgun)

I think I would probably hide my power from people though. If I needed to use it I would, but I think I would keep as many people in the dark about it for as long as I could. It’s not because I’m afraid of people being afraid of me or seeing me differently (fuck them if they don’t want to know me because I’m different), it’s mainly because I wouldn’t want people trying to use me for my powers, or exploit them for some reason.

What do you think?(and not that I’m mental or anything because I already know that) What would you do? As nuts as it sounds I figure it’s an ok question to ask yourself.



Elan Morgan said...

I would definitely like the flying thing, but one I've never seen that I think would be quite effective in scaring off bad guys would be the ability to turn myself inside out like a sea cucumber. It would totally gross them out, and I doubt that they would want to engage in combat with me at that point. It would be non-violent superheroism.

Anonymous said...

you know, i think you might have a little too much time on your, joking..
there all good blogs..very thoughtful, especially the last one.