April 12, 2005

Education dollars at work

As this semester draws to a close, I thought I’d draw on what I’ve learnt of the past few months:

  • French kicks ass! This has nothing to do with the language itself, but I have never met so many cute girls so fast.
  • Investing in comic books can pay off
  • Animation isn’t for me
  • The KKK had a very powerful influence in Saskatchewan during the mid 1920’s up until the depression when people realized how stupid they looked (in the clothing department and in ideology)
  • Mid 60’s modern art cinema blows!
  • The bathroom on the first floor of the Riddel Centre is one of the nicest bathrooms I’ve ever seen
  • The Owl on a Friday night is not the place for me, but it’s alright in the afternoon and for an after class brew Monday nights
  • The ONEitude is directly proportional to the COLDitude of the ONE. A ONE that isn't COLD is scarcely a ONE at all (click here to find out what the fuck I’m talking about)
  • Smokers can fuck off and stop bitching to me about having to go outside for a smoke. I DON’T CARE!!! I NEVER HAVE AND I NEVER WILL! (I never learnt that, I just knew it and had to get that off my chest)
  • Regardless of what my older brother might say The State is actually a pretty cool place
  • You can get records that are clear (so cool!)
  • Devo and Mike made the stoop too popular and too much of a kick ass place to be and now every time I walk by there’s someone there. The tiles around it should be turned into a disco floor and there should be a velvet rope that you are only allowed inside of if the big guy that opens it lets you.
  • The novelty of Micheal Moore has worn off. As much as I like how he badmouths Satan himself, it’s getting a little old. Let someone else do it for awhile.
  • Degrassi (in any of its forms) is some of the greatest programming ever to be broadcast on television (and the DVD's are cheap)
  • Don't get food at Pizza Pizza in the Riddel Centre after about 4:00 because chances are the slice you get has been sitting there since about 2:00
  • I don't care about how much better Linux is. I use Windows. It's what I've got. I know Microsoft is the devil, but I still don't care about Linux.

That's about it for now. Throughout the month I'll give you some more as they come to me and then do my year end wrap up and get ready for the summer.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As far as i know, your older brother has only been to the State on saturday retro night....and not for a show. but he had a fucking good time, so tell him to shove it. LOL.