April 13, 2005

My Fortress of Solitude

So here it is My Fortress of Solitude. The place I sit and write all these wonderful posts So lets run through the shot shall we:

A: My computer. As you can see I have a post in the works onscreen as always, because that's what I do. I take my valuable time and create informative, funny and....ummm...I guess that's the only kind of posts I do. Oh ya and raving lunatic posts.
B: My Pictures. The place I look for my inspiration. Who wouldn't be inspired by the goofyness of Tim(I mean that in a good fun way), the cute smile of the Jamie, the intelect of Mike and Santa Clause, the dance moves of Rene, and Nick playing air guitar with his crotch in Curtis' face.
C: My action figures. The Punisher on top and Iron Man down below. My comic book inspired rants stem from these two giants of the comics industry. It gets kind of rough though sometimes when they clash on ideas. That's when the heavy artillery breaks out and hide under a blanket and/or in my closet.
D: My CD's. Who wouldn't be inspired by great artists and the songs they write. Like Metallica - St. Anger, Weezer - In the Garage, and that unforgetable John Frusciante song: Your Pussy's Glued to a Tree that's on fire.
E: My Keyboard. Kindo of self-explanitory.
F: Empty glasses. At one time they were filled with a magical liquid. Beer? Intelligence Inhancer? Water? We'll never know will we?
G: Pre-written entries. I don't just write these things on the fly you know. Sometimes I do, but giveme a freaking break! You think this stuff just comes out when I call apon it. I wish!...and so do you.....
H: Speakers. The place my insiration comes from....and some kick ass tunes too!

So that's about it. I hope you find it as informative as it wasn't.


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