April 11, 2005

Huston...we have a fuck up

So the other day I’m putting a new roll of film into my camera, and I noticed something interesting about it. Now, this film came from a 5 pack of Fuji 400 ISO film. But I noticed, as I was inserting the roll, that it was actually 800 ISO. No I realize that to many of you that means absolutely nothing. Chances are many of you don’t even know what ISO means. But that’s not important here. What is important though is the fact that I got one roll of film, which was faster than what I actually purchased. Good deal hey. You know what they say, faster is better. I was pretty happy about this deal that I got.

Later I was thinking about it. I was happy about someone’s fuck up. It’s not a new thing. People do it all the time. Like, when you get more change back than you should have. It’s a fun feeling. But you’re taking happiness for someone else’s fault. Does that make you a bad person? Is it any different than laughing at someone who’s made a mistake? You don’t know how that person might feel about that mistake later. Like if you’re at the bar, and give the waitress a 10, and by accident she gives you a 20 for change (happened to me). Sure you feel pretty good about it, but what about that waitress. Sure she probably wouldn’t care, if she even realized that she did it, but you never know. I guess what I’m saying is that in society we take joy from peoples fuck ups all too often. I’m not saying that I don’t do it, and that the rest of you are hell spawns for doing it. I know I do it all the time; five times a day at least. But I guess I just to recognize the fact that we do it this too much. I know I’m not going to stop, I’m a smart ass; it’s what I do. Should we stop this practice? Maybe. In a perfect world we should. But since when is this a perfect world? So lets not do it. In fact lets do it more and see how much faster the world turns to shit. It’ll be a nice sociological study.

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