March 02, 2005

Different is the new mainstream

If you haven’t noticed yet, there’s a lot of people who piss me off. Don’t worry, chances are you’ll get your turn one day, but today I’m going after a group who has been bugging me for a long while now.

These people of course are the ones who always strive to be different than everyone else. The people who have made it a hobby to try and stand out amongst the rest of society. And I don’t mean someone who’s dyed their hair blue or something. I’m talking about the ones that, if they see someone else dressed remotely like them they go home and change, or change their whole wardrobe for that matter, just for the sake of standing out and being different. Why can’t you just be yourself?

Now I know what some of you are thinking: Maybe that is who they really are; maybe by doing that they are being themselves. To that I say: Okay maybe. But if they were being themselves then why are they always changing to be the opposite of what’s in the mainstream or what’s “cool”. If they have their own style and then something that they wear comes into the mainstream, they automatically change. Why?! Oh Why I ask you!

Now I’m not necessarily saying that it’s a bad thing to want to stand out, but the fact that there are so many people now that do it kind of defeats the purpose of what they are trying to do. The fact that so many people are kind of slowly bringing it into the mainstream itself. It’s becoming common for people to strive to be different. So what happens when everyone starts dressing like these people? Well then these people who are striving to be different will have to do the opposite of what every one else is doing and dress like everyone else used to. Then what happens? We’re back at square one that’s what, and this whole thing starts over again.

I dunno maybe it’s just me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think it's hilarious. all these kids in uni, away from home, trying to look weirder than everyone else,trying to 'find'themselves, but really no matter what, all of us really do look the same,and act the same whether we shop at value village or not.
i think the fine arts students started this trend. people trying to be different is the trend of our day.