March 29, 2005

Proper reading material

As some of you may know, I love comic books! I love everything about them. From reading them, to finding out how much they’re worth, to knowing which covers make an issue more valuable than others. If weren’t for comic books, I probably wouldn’t have learnt to read as well as I can. When I was first learning to read, I found that they interested me more than they anything else. A few times I even tried to do book reports on comics. It didn’t quite go the way I wanted to, but that didn’t discourage me, I kept on a’readin’ ‘em (that’s a lot of apostrophes, maybe I should have read some grammar books too).

I guess the point I want to make is that kids shouldn’t get discouraged from reading comics just because their teachers tell them they aren’t proper reading material. If they get kids reading, isn’t that what matters?

And they can even teach kids lessons that they should learn early in their lives? Look at X-Men, on the surface it may look like stories about a bunch of people running around in blue and yellow spandex, but the whole story of X-Men, ever since it began, is telling a story about racism, and that how even though they may look different they are still human on the inside. And look at when Superman died, he came back and kicked some ass. I think that says, that even when you think your down for the count you just have to get back up and keep on coming and don’t give up; don’t be a quitter.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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