March 03, 2005

Get Rich, and Quick!

They say that money is the root of all evil. It’s true, but what is it that makes it evil. People tend to spend all their money on trying to get more money. Casino’s, VLT’s, the lottery. I say screw the lottery; hunt Leprechauns.

Those wily little bastards have been dodging us for years. You ever meet someone who’s caught one? Didn’t think so. So there’s got to be an abundance of them kicking around. What you’ve got to do is get a team together and go hunting. You won’t even need any big equipment. Guns won’t work; all you need is a butterfly net, because lets face it: they’re no good to you dead. And don’t just go to the end of the rainbow. There’s nothing there but a leprechaun with an AK47 laughing his ass off because you fell right into his trap.

So now I send you out into the wilderness with your butterfly nets and the knowledge that because I gave you this idea, I get 10% of the cut right off the top.


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