March 09, 2005

Out with the new, in with the old

So the other day I’m in Value Village and I spot Ice Hockey for the NES. Now, I have gone on an excruciatingly long quest to find this game. When I saw it in that box full of other crappy games, it took all the energy in my body to stop me from giggling like a little girl. I now could take control of the fat guy, skinny guy or the middle guy and have some incredible 8-bit fun. So there I was with the game that I strived so hard to obtain; I went home, tossed it in and started to play, what would be a glorious game of Ice Hockey.

This game is so simple, yet it is so much fun. This game proves that you don’t need 128-bit graphics to have fun playing video games. Just because you can’t design every aspect of the game and customize options and whatever, doesn’t mean it’s not good. Hell, they didn’t even give Canada red jerseys or even white ones. But those things don’t matter.

What matters is the simple fun you can have.

To close, I’ll give you a link that shows that you don’t even need to play the games to have fun with them. So here it is, check it out.


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